Merlin tries to nail down his five top “no-duh” lifehacks in 300 words. Boy does he seem to nail it on the head.

Giles over at MacDevCenter lays down some smack for the text junkies. Some good text tips here in. It finally got me to give a serious look at John Gruber’s Markdown text formatting wizardry. Once I was able to grok the syntax which was not all that far from Textile which I already knew, I knew I had found nirvana. Using it to write this post right now.

Just after I posted about using Basecamp for GTD yesterday, I jumped over to my feed reader only to discover that LifeDev had also posted on the same subject. They don’t have context hack though. Soylent Green is Contexts!

Lovely Design is aptly named. They have some beautiful paper pr0n. Take this lovely journal made from found paper and envelopes. Every page turn screams possibility.