If you are reading this on the website, and you have visited before, you probably notice some changes. If you are reading this in a RSS reader, I invite you to come take a look at the website because the rest of this post will be meaningless to you otherwise.

I have been thinking for quite some while about how to take an already basic and minimalist design and further reduce it to the bare minimum of what I feel it needs to be. This was further inspired by this post by James Bennett that really got me thinking about blog design and what it most important (and what is not really important at all).

What I desired was a design that put the content first, above all else, and let the rest of the site elements mostly disappear. This also meets many of my deeper beliefs about simplicity and being in the present. What you see here before you is the realization of that goal.

Here is the new road map to help you get around:

* The front page contains only the most current post. That’s it. One post per page.

* Navigation to to the previous and/or next posts is directly below each post.

* Navigation to categories, a list of recent and popular posts, info about the site, contact information, etc., has been moved to the archives or info pages respectively. These are found at the bottom of each page.

* A link to the RSS feed is also in the bottom navigation.

* For those that care, I have also switched blogging engines from Moveable Type to WordPress.

* Comments have been turned off for now. I am still trying to come up with a way to do them that is in fitting with the new design and, more importantly to me, reduces spam (boy was I getting a ton). You can send comment to me via e-mail or Twitter for now.

Speaking of comments, I would welcome any that you have about the new design. Special thanks go out once again to my friend, web guru and all around Badass™, Michael Armstrong.