Societal pressure to ‘keep house’
Personally, unless a home is filthy or is a danger to the person who lives there or a burden to others, I don’t care about the clutter. I just hope the person is happy and the clutter doesn’t interfere with her ability to pursue the life she desires or anyone else’s. Not only do I think gender is irrelevant to this topic, I believe we need to stop cluttering up our thoughts and time by concerning ourselves with how other people have chosen to live. If someone chooses to be an unclutterer, I think that is an amazing decision. However, I don’t think everyone should or needs to be an unclutterer to pursue a remarkable life.
What we believe in.
Just like Erin, if anyone were to see my home at any given time, they would likely think that the person who curates this site was a complete charlatan. I live in an old house. There are constant remodeling projects in ious stages of completion. I have a three year old daughter who messes it up as quickly as I can pick it up (so why even bother most days). My office area is in such a state of disarray that I can barely stand working in it. Plus, I married someone who, by their own admission, is the opposite of a minimalist. A big part of my desire to have a more minimal existence with my technology and other personal items is driven by the fact that it is the one thing I can control. It is the one area I can reduce some clutter and friction without forcing others around me to conform.
Therefore, I’m always surprised when people think I judge them and how they choose to live and work. That I care about how much they have on their desktop or think poorly of them for having a messy desk. Quite the opposite actually. I want people to live and work in whatever way is best for them. All I try to promote here is the idea that we should not just let these things “happen” to us. We should all ask questions, in this increasingly crazy world, about what we can do to make our own lives a little bit more sane.