Lots Of Great Videos Edition

Further linkage and commentary of things that have crossed my path that are worth sharing. This one is a whole bunch of videos that I thought were worth the time…

The Invisible Bicycle Helmet | Fredrik Gertten from Focus Forward Films on Vimeo.

My friend Desarae pointed me to this really well done video or two design students from Sweden, Anna and Terese, who have created an invisible bike helmet. I won’t spoil how it works but I really think this could be a game changer in it’s space.

The Encounter Collection from Process Creative on Vimeo.

My friends Michael Schechter, by way of our mutual friend Brett Kelly, pointed me to this video narrative of a father passing down words of wisdom to his young son. If you have been following here for any length of time you should understand why this appeals deeply to me.

Salomon Running TV – Season 3 Trailer from The African Attachment on Vimeo.

My friend Brian Van Peski points us to the trailer for Salomon Running TV — Season 3. As he said, “Love running or just great filmmaking? Check out Solomon’s trail running series on YouTube and find yourself some inspiration to get into the woods.”. Indeed.

Justin Boyd: Sound and Time from Walley Films on Vimeo.

And, I absolutely loved this video of Justin Boyd, educator and artist, about how he channeled a childhood sensitivity to sound into a passion for creating with it. A reminder that there is music all around us. If only we stopped long enough to listen to it.

I hope you enjoy them all.