Productivity Whitepaper Update

I have posted yet another update to my Org-Fu Ãœberpost – Productivity Whitepaper. This covers what I use for physical notes and, with the exception of including a short wrap up, marks the completion of the document.

It is also the first time I have posted an image of any sort here on the journal because it really was the best way to convey my metadata markup system for notes.

The next step will be to break it out to it’s own static page where I will include even more pictures, screenshots and the like but that is more design than I have time for right now.

My Office Setup

In preparation for some updates to my Productivity Whitepaper, I have taken a picture of my office setup at my day job and the tools I am using – all annotated up and what not on Flickr. Have a look:

My Office Setup

I hope to update and finalize the Whitepaper by early next week.

An Introduction to Journal Writing @ DIY Planner

Douglas Johnston of DIY planner has an excellent article over at DIY Planner on Journal Writing. It is actually a draft chapter of a book he is writing on paper based productivity. It is a fine read that just may change your opinion of journal writing as it did mine. Here is a quote:

“A journal is a place to collect thoughts, ideas, events and facts. Musing about a possible future project, or about the one presently occupying your days or nights? Write it all down. Tired of going blank in a video rental place, your favourite bookstore, the shopping mall? Write your lists, and add to them over time. See your friend in the paper? Clip it out and tape it in. Your little son used a hammer for the first time, or was it your daughter’s first day at kindergarten? Record it. Have a bunch of numbers you absolutely have to remember, or someone’s name and contact information? Your pages are ready and waiting.”

It actually caused me to break out my Large Moleskine Notebook and jot a few things down that I otherwise would not have because I never looked at it as a journal before. Great stuff and a must read for anyone who puts pen to paper in any way.

An Introduction to Journal Writing | D*I*Y Planner