Inbox Zero @ 43 Folders

Merlin is up to his old tricks again. This time he is running a series on how to release your inner email-fu and get that inbox under control and down to zero… That’s right, zero e-mail in your inbox.

Sounds like a dream to some of you right? It did to me once as well. I thought the idea of processing 100% of e-mail that I received, being quick and nimble with that processing and keeping both my work and home e-mail inboxes at or very near zero all of the time was impossible. I am here to tell you that not only is it possible but it is very liberating and emotionally validating to have that zen like control over the center of your communicative world (For most of us, this is what e-mail is). Almost all of my tactics |were developed by practices I learned from other posts on the subject that Merlin has done in the past.

So, if you have ever wanted to achieve what I have, I could not think of a better place to start.

43 Folders Series: Inbox Zero

In the future, perhaps I will outline my own e-mail-fu, learned from many masters, which involves an IMAP account, 5 folders and a lot of hard line mercenary style choices made with split second precision. My e-mail fu is strong.

Merlin Nails It On Meetings

Merlin Mann once again nails it. This time it is nine tips for making meetings more productive. I am not so secretly thinking of printing this out tomorrow and doing a little mailbox stuffing at work. My favorite quote:

…this is coming from a man who often was compelled to spend the better part of one day a week on a bi-coastal video conference call with two dozen people. Staring. Wishing death. Listening to the CTO opine at length about how exciting it would be to build and sell a national yellow pages app from scratch. If there had been cyanide capsules on the table instead of M&Ms, I don’t think I would have hesitated to indulge."

Oh yeah, everyone needs a copy of this…

9 tips for running more productive meetings | 43 Folders

The Year of The Web App

I am officially making a not-too-risky prediction. This will be the year of the web application. The “new bubble” will not be driven by portal sites and online dating. It will be driven by applications designed to make computing anywhere one step closer to reality.

As many know, I am a huge fan of web applications and use several to get things done. Here are just some of the ones I am excited about that are coming to a browser near you very soon:

30 Boxes – An online calendar application that some are saying “will be to calendars what GMail was to Email”

Campfire – Online chat and collaboration from the good folks at 37 Signals so you know it is done right.

Sunrise – “CRMish” application for small business also from 37 Signals.

Should shape up to be an exciting year.