Finding My Center

Item #2 on the Personal Manifesto I have been slowly building is the following:

All notes, lists & ideas worth keeping should converge in one location, be readily accessible and easy to locate quickly.

As I mentioned previously, I have been feeling quite out of sorts lately. One of the reasons for this is that I have gotten out of my system of keeping it all together. I am seriously organizationally challenged and I absolutely have to have a system to follow to even function on a day to day basis. I do not say this lightly. I believe I actually have a undiagnosed mental disorder that causes this, especially because I see the same thing in my (medically diagnosed) oldest son and my brother. Therefore, when I get off track, when my system suffers critical errors, it makes my entire life seem broken. I find it hard to even start doing anything, which in turn feeds into my (well diagnosed) bi-polar condition.

This is why Getting Things Done appealed to me so much. Not only did it propose a great and effective system, it emphasized that the key was not just having a system, it was having a system you could trust. Lose trust, lose faith in your system, any system, and it will no longer work. This is why some of the endless tweaking done by many to get their system “just right” may, in the end, be just as much of a failure as not having a system at all. The tweaking generally means that you have lost, or do not yet have, faith in the system. Without that faith it is useless. I lost faith.

I did not really see this until Bethany pointed it out to me without really realizing that was what she was doing. Bethany is not a GTD convert but she is very insightful and wise. I was trying to explain to her the problems I was having being on top of things, or at the least feeling like I was. I was telling her how I felt my system was broken in some way that I had yet to truly identify. Then, she said the following:

” When you started with your Moleskine you wrote everything in the book. Then you got the index cards that you attached to the top of it, and would write down things that came to your mind when you were driving and could not open the Moleskine. Then you seemed to get afraid that the things you were writing in the Moleskine were not pretty and organized enough so you started to write on the cards first for everything and transcribe to the Moleskine. That’s where it all broke down. Now you have to write in two places and it takes longer and often does not make it into the Moleskine, and you lose the card. You need to pick one or the other.”

Did I mention that she was brilliant too. I mean, she saw what had happened. Somewhere in the tweaking to get a perfect system I lost faith in the one that I had and was working. It was at this point that the bell began to toll the beginning of my end. It all fell apart from there. I started losing information. I had things spread out all over the place. I was never sure where to go for my next action. Because some items were being tracked several different places, when a task was completed I would mark it done one place but not on the others. This all left a lot of “open loops”. It was a mess.

OK, so there is the problem… Where is the solution?

The wonderful thing about a system is that, as long as you know what that system is and it works, you can always go back to the beginning and start it up again. That is what I did. I went back to the beginning. I went back to my system.I sat down and started the collection phase of GTD again, gathering up all of those “open loops” and tossing them into my inbox. Then I just followed the basic model. I processed them, put them into their context and acted on the ones I could using the two minutes or less rule. Since then I have been back on track with my combo of Moleskine, Backpack and Now Up to Date and am starting to feel a little bit better and less scattered.

The moral of the story is that in the tightrope of life, if you start to feel unbalanced, simply stop where you are and find your center.

Pocket Change

The theme for this week seems to be:


Next up in my quest to carry less is my “wallet”. The reason for the quotes is that it is not really a wallet but a card case. Having lived in the big bad east coast, where pick-pocketing borders on olympic sport, I have learned to carry everything in my front pockets. For years I have carried around my ious cards in a card case of some sort. My current model is metal and clear plastic and the lid is attached by an elastic bungie style system. I do like it and it gets attention whenever someone notices it while I am out (“What is that?”).

The problem (and perhaps benefit) is that, due to the metal body of the case, I have a limited and inflexible amount of space and therefore a finite number of items it can hold. Still, I have managed to pack this thing to the hilt with all sorts stuff. Not just the stuff I need to but all sorts of things I could just as easily have in a separate holder in my car. Discount cards, coffee punch cards, gas punch cards, membership cards, you get the idea. None of these items do I need to keep in my pocket constantly. Therefore, it is time to once again “get real”.

I have cleaned it out and here are the only things I really need:

1) Drivers License
2) Check Cards (I have two as I have two regularly used bank accounts)
3) College Staff ID
4) Insurance Cards (Auto, Medical and Dental the total of which equal one credit card in thickness)

I will keep the rest in a separate case in my car and access when needed.

Next up, doing something about that anchor of a computer bag I carry.